пʼятниця, 23 червня 2023 р.

Joey Learning English (conditionals/if)


Homework: 3-rd conditional

 Пов’язане зображення

  1. If I had a car, I would have moved to Lviv.(If l had had a car, l would have gone to Lviv. ) 
  2. Would you have done this work, if I had told you about it?
  3. If I had had a lot of money, I wouldn't have started dating her.
  4. Should I have given my money her, if I had had it?
  5. How do  you think could she have driven this car, if she had had the key?
  6. Should I have danced with her, if she had asked me about it?
  7. When could we have gone to the Black sea, if we had had a lot of money and time?
  8. Would Anastasiya have gone to the gym, if she had had a lot of free time and desire?
  9. If Nastya hadn't moved to Dnipro, I would have stolen her.
  10. If you hadn't taken me in your car, I would have frozen to wating you.( If you hadn't moved to Dnipro , l would have frozen to wait you)
  11. What would you have done, if I had told you a secret about your boss?
  12. If you hadn't read this book, you wouldn't have been so intelligence.
  13. If my family had a car, we would have traveled much more.( If my family had had a car, we would have traveled much more)
  14. If you had your job objective, you would have been happy.( If you had had your job objective, you would have been happy)
  15. Would you have bought this book, if you had had more money?
  16. Would you have needed Google, if your wife had known everything?
  17. If my boss hadn't been such a fool, I would have become a production manager.
  18. Should I have bought this telephone for my daughter, if she had wanted it?
  19. Would you have started done this work, if they had promised you good money?( Would you have started to do this work, if they had promised you good money?)
  20. Should you have kissed her, if she had wanted it?

  1. If I had had a red cat, I would have been happy.
  2. If I had had a car, I would have gone on a journey.
  3. If I had left my work earlier, I would have caught a trolley bus.
  4. If I hadn't studied good, I wouldn't have got a master degree.
  5. If sales manager had worked better, he wouldn't have been dismissed.
  6. If I hadn't called you, you wouldn't have a good mood.
  7. If he hadn't been ill, he could have gone on a journey.
  8. If I had been you, I would have told the truth.
  9. If I had been in your position, I would have drunk a coffee (learned English).
  10. If I had known more, I would have passed the test. :(((
  11. If I had broken the car, he would have been sad.
  12. If I hadn't broken my iphone, I would have been lively rich.
  13. If I had worked less, I would have been full of life.
  14. If I had had a new purse and shoes I would have been glad.
  15. If our laptop hadn't broken we wouldn't have spent so much many.
  16. Would I have been full of life, if I had worked less?
  17. Would I have been glad, if I had a good job?
  18. Would she have been glad, if she had gone to on Egypt?
  19. Would she have had problems, if she had worked better?
  20. If I had had more free time and money, I would have gone to the yoga.

Homework: conditionals 2


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четвер, 23 березня 2023 р.

Способы сказать «пожалуйста» на английском

 1. You are welcome. — Пожалуйста.

Этот ответ будет уместен как в деловой среде, так и в более непринужденной обстановке, однако в компании друзей может показаться чересчур официальным. Кроме того, носители отмечают, что you’re welcome используется так часто, что оно звучит довольно шаблонно и безлично. Усилить и разнообразить фразу можно словами very (очень), quite (довольно), always (всегда) или truly (по правде говоря).

This smells funny. But thank you.
You are very welcome.

середа, 22 березня 2023 р.

Способы сказать «спасибо» в английском языке

 1. Thanks a bunch. — Большое спасибо. / Огромное спасибо.

Разговорная фраза thanks a bunch распространена в американском английском и обычно используется среди друзей или хороших знакомых как альтернатива thank you very much. В этом значении можно также услышать thanks a ton, thanks loads и thanks heaps.

Носители британского английского отмечают, что для них thanks a

 bunch звучит скорее саркастично, хотя ключевую роль всегда играет интонация.

Margie, thought you might need a little warm-up.
Thanks a bunch.