понеділок, 17 квітня 2023 р.

Test. Modal verbs.

Похожее изображение

Part B. Выберите верный вариант.

8.     Он, возможно, дома.

1.  He may be at home.
2.  He may being at home.
3.  He must be at home.

9.     Мы можем воспользоваться общественным транспортом.

1. We can use public transport.
2.  We must use public transport.
3.  We can to use public transport.

10.            Неужели она это купила?

1.  Could she have bought it?
2.  Can she buy it?
3.  Could she have buy it?

11.           Возможно, менеджер спит в своем офисе.

1.  The manager has to sleep in his office.
2.  The manager must be sleeping in his office.
3.  The manager may be sleeping in his office.

12.            Кейт следовало бы подготовиться к собранию.

1.  Kate should be preparing for the meeting.
2.  Kate should have prepared for the meeting.
3.  Kate should prepare for the meeting.

13.            Нам придется завтра искать работу.

1.  We will be able to look for a job tomorrow.
2.  We will have look for a job tomorrow.
3.  We will have to look for a job tomorrow

14.            Могла ли подруга моей мамы нанять адвоката?

1.  Could my mother’s friend fire a lawyer?
2.  Can my mother’s friend hire a lawyer?
3.  Could my mother’s friend hire a lawyer?

15.            Смог ли твой друг получить хорошо оплачиваемую работу?

1.  Was your friend able get a well-paid job?
2.  Was your friend able to get a well-paid job?
3.  Could your friend got a well-paid job?

16.            Им следовало поехать на пароме.

1.  They must have taken a ferry.
2.  They should have taken a ferry.
3.  Them should have taken a ferry.

17.            Банкир, должно быть, обманул всех работников.

1.  The banker must be cheating to all the employees.
2.  The banker must have cheated to all the employees.

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