пʼятниця, 23 червня 2023 р.

Homework: conditionals 2


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  1. If I didn't know  mathematic I wouldn't become the mechanic.
  2. If I lived near the sea, I would swim every day.
  3. If he knew English, he would find a good job.
  4. If I were very rich, I would buy what I want.
  5. If daddy were here, he would help me.
  6. If I were him, I would tell the truth.
  7. If my wife had a car, she would drive slowly.
  8. Would you change the job if you were him?
  9. What would you do if you won a lottery?
  10. If I found a pretty red cat, I take it home.
  11. When would you make peace with him if he called to you? 
  12. If you had a car, you might a good driver.
  13. If l were you, l wouldn't drink a lot of alcohol . 
  14. What would you say if you were me? 
  15. If l were a professional driver l wouldn't smoke. 
  16. If my wife got ill l would go to the medical center. 
  17. I wouldn't take it if l were you.
  18. If l were the president first of all l would buy my wife a red car) 
  19. If l were you l wouldn't kiss her.
  20. You wouldn't be able to do it if you were me.

  1. If Vitaliy smiled, I would smile too.
  2. If I were you, I would quit smoking.
  3. Would Vitaliy buy a 1969 Ford Mustang if he won a million dollars?
  4. If he cuddled me, I would be happy. 
  5. If Vitaliy had a car, he would drive it every day.
  6. If I won a million dollars, I would buy a house
  7. If I didn't have a red hair, I wouldn't be an interesting girl.
  8. If I were her, I wouldn't do that.
  9. Would Vitaliy be angry if his wife broke his car?
  10. If I didn't have a work, I wouldn't buy a high heel shoes. 
  11. If my husband and I had a red cat, we would be happy. 
  12. If I didn't have a husband, I wouldn't be able to be proud of him.
  13. If they didn't love each other, they wouldn't make peace.
  14. If I were him, I wouldn't fall in love with her.
  15. If she had fun, she could be a pretty girl.
  16. If I learned English, I would pass the IELTS.
  17. They would stay longer if they had more time.
  18. If we won a million dollars, we could open our own business.
  19. If I had more free time, I could learning English hard.
  20. Would Vitaliy pass the IELTS exam if he learned English? 

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