понеділок, 9 січня 2023 р.

Test Revising


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Выберите правильный вариант.

1.     I … in bed when I heard the accident outside.
1.     have lain
  2. lied
  3. was

2.     He never … to work on Sundays.
1.  doesn’t go
2.  go
3.  goes

3.     I … that you were here.
1.  was knowing
2.  didn't knew
3.  didn't know

4.     When I came to this city, I … anyone.
1.  didn't know
2.  wasn't knowing
3.  haven't know

5.     You know where I live – I … in the same place for the past three years.
1.  was living
2.  have been living
3.  had lived

6.     You … my brother, have you?
1.  didn't saw
2.  didn't see
3.  haven't seen

7.     I … for seven hours last night.
1.  slept
2.  has slept
3.  was slept

8.     Did you just … me a liar?
1.  call
2.  called
3.  have called

9.     She is a mean person. I don’t like … to her.
1.  talking
2.  talk
3.  have talk

10.                        I … how to dance.
1.  doesn't know
2.  not know
3.  don't know

11.                        Hurray! Our family … to London tomorrow!
1.  fly
2.  is flying
3.  flys

12.                       … you ever … to Mexica?
1.  Have being
2.  Has been
3.  Have been

13.                       OMG! I’m going to ___________ Holland next month!
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

14.                       It’s her dream – to climb _________ Everest all alone.
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

15.                       Generally speaking, __________ boys are physically stronger than girls.
1.  the
2.  a
3.  -

16.                        I love living in this __________ city.
1.  the
2.  a
3.  -

17.                        Bill enjoys reading __________ mystery novels.
1.  a
2.  -
3.  the

18.                        Do you remember __________ girl that we saw last night?
1.  a
2.  the
3.  -

19.                        P1: Did you go to the Thai restaurant?
P2: No, I went to __________ place where you and I normally go.
1.  the
2.  a
3.  -

20.                        He is __________ really good person.
1.  a
2.  the
3.  -

21.                        My brother is __________ expert at fixing cars.
1.  an
2.  the
3.  -

22.                       __________ Paris is a beautiful city.
1.  the
2.  a
3.  -

23.                        My __________ teacher’s name is William.
1.  the
2.  -
3.  a

24.                        We got our son __________ dog for Christmas.
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

25.                        Where … last night?
1.  have you gone
2.  did you went
3.  did you go

26.                       Last year Jack travelled around _________ USA.
1.  the
2.  -
3.  a

27.                       Many tourists visit __________ Mississippi every year.
1.  a
2.  the
3.  -

28.                       Have you ever been at __________ Black Sea?
1.  a
2.  -
3.  the

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