понеділок, 9 січня 2023 р.

Test "Adverbs"

 Похожее изображение

Part A.  Выберите правильный вариант.

1. She looked at me … .
1.  sad
2.  sadly

2. I was … at John.
1.  angrily
2.  angry

3. He is working … this month.
1.  hard
2.  hardly

4. She is a very kind and … person.
1.  gentle
2.  gently

5. The weather is … today.
1.  cold
2.  coldly

6. He is … ill.
1.  dangerously
2.  dangerous

7. This … shows the difference.
1.  clearly
2.  clear

8. I can hear the … rain falling on the roof.
1.  loudly
2.  loud

9. I understood the question, but I couldn’t answer very … .
1.  quickly
2.  quick

10. I always feel … when I am at home.
1.  good
2.  well

11. James did not want to wake his girlfriend, so he left … .
1.  quiet
2.  quietly

12. John arrived at the airport … , and missed his flight.
1.  lately
2.  late

13. They lived … .
1.  happy
2.  happily

14. I can’t understand him. He doesn’t speak very … .
1.  clear
2.  clearly

Part B. Вставьте правильный артикль.

15. We had a … time in Mexico City.
1.  greatly
2.  great

16. She is such … clever boy!
1.  a
2.  the
3.  no article

17. My brother is … doctor.
1.  a
2.  the
3.  no article

18. Look at … sky!!!
1.  a
2. no article
3.  the

19. You can see … lions in the Zoo.
1.  no article
2.  a
3.  the

20. This is … book that you gave me last week.
1.  a
2.  the
3.  no article

21. He asked … teacher a question.
1.  no article
2.  a
3.  the

22. My brother doesn’t have … car.
1.  no article
2.  the
3.  a

Part C. Впишите верное возвратное местоимение.

23. Don’t hurt …, Peter!

24. They told me the news… 

25. She will write the letter by …

26. I ask nothing for...

27. He bought … a new coat.

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