неділя, 7 серпня 2022 р.

Test "Hotel"


Похожее изображение

Part A

Выберите правильный перевод предложения.

1. Могу я заказать завтрак в комнату, пожалуйста?
1. Can I have the breakfast to the my room, please?
2.  Could I have breakfast in my room, please?
3.  Could I got breakfast in my room?

2. Горя вчера поменяла простыни на кровати.
1.  The maid changed the sheets on the bed yesterday.
2.  The maid change the sheets on the bed yesterday.
3.  The maid yesterday changed the sheets on the bed.
4.  The maid changed on the bed the sheets yesterday.

 3. Вчера свободных номеров не было.
1.  There were no rooms free yesterday.
2.  There was no free rooms available yesterday.
3.  There were no available rooms yesterday.
4.  There were no rooms available yesterday.

4. Вчера свободных номеров не было.
1.  There were no rooms available yesterday.
2.  There were no available rooms yesterday.
3.  There was no free rooms available yesterday.
4.  There were no rooms free yesterday.
5. У нас есть некоторые претензии.
1.  We have a few claim.
2.  We have few proclaims.
3.  We have a few complaints.
4.  We have few complaints.

6. Во всех наших номерах есть бесплатное мыло, шампунь и кофе.
1.  All our of rooms have complimentary soap, shampoo and coffee.
2.  All of our room have soap, shampoo and coffee complimentary.
3.  All of our rooms have complimentary soap, shampoo and coffee.
4.  All our rooms has complimentary soaps, shampoos and coffees.

Part B. Вставьте артикльгде необходимо (a/an/the/-).

7. I’d like to reserve … adjoining room.
1.  the
2.  no article
3.  an
4.  a

8. At … moment there are no rooms available.
1.  an
2.  the
3.  a
4. no article

9. Could you recommend … good hotel?
1.  an
2.  the
3.  no article
4.  a

10. Hello! I’d like to press these trousers. Where can I find … iron?
1.  a
2.  the
3.  an
4.  no article

11. What does … price include?
1.  the
2.  a
3.  an
4.  no article

12. … bellboy will show you the room.
1.  a
2.  an
3.  the
4.  no article

13. Is there … safe deposit box in the room?
1.  the
2.  an
3.  a
4.  no article
14. Until when is … swimming pool open?
1.  the
2.  a
3.  an
4.  no article

15. There is no … hot water in my room. Could you send someone up to fix it?
1.  the
2.  an
3.  a
4.  no article

16. Can I leave my luggage at the hotel for … couple of hours after I check out?
1.  a
2.  an
3.  the
4.  no article

Part C. Choose the correct variant

17. Extra large bed.
1.  rollaway bed
2.  camp bed
3.  king-size bed

18. A fee for staying past the check-out time.
1.  late fine
2.  late charge
3.  late penalty

19. A piece of paper that guests display in the car window while in the hotel parking lot.
1.  parking allowance
2.  parking pass
3.  park ticket

20. A request to save a specific room for a future date.
1.  reservation
2.  books
3.  order

21. Bags and suitcases packed with personal belongings
1.  staff
2.  carts
3.  baggage

22. Return the keys and pay for the bill.
1.  check-out
2.  check-in
3.  stay

23. Money a guest owes for repairs to hotel property (when caused by violent or careless acts).
1.  fine
2.  damage charge
3.  penalty

24. A very inexpensive place for backbackers and travelers on a budget, there are bunk beds in the rooms to sleep on, usually there are over two people in the room.
1.  luxury hotel
2.  hostel
3.  family hotel

25. Place for guests to swim inside the hotel.
1.  beach
2.  outdoor pool
3.  indoor pool

26. A staff member who helps guests with their luggage.
1.  bellboy
2.  chambermaid
3.  doorman

27. Are you all booked that night?
1.  No books in our hotel, sorry.
2.  We are usually booked at night.
3.  We have a few standard rooms available.

28. How do you spell your last name?
1.  I don’t spell.
2.  It is M-A-E-X-N-E-R.
3.  I don’t know exactly.

29. I’d like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.
1.  How many people are there at your party?
2.  What date would you prefer?
3.  What kind of room would you prefer?

30. Do you have a reservation with us?
1.  I would like to get a confirmation.
2.  I will make a reservation tomorrow.
3.  I made it on the 26th of this month.

31. How many nights do you want to stay?
1.  At least before yesterday.
2.  At least until Friday. But I may stay longer than that.
3.  After midnight.

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