пʼятниця, 18 листопада 2022 р.


Похожее изображение

Part A. Выберите правильный вариант перевода

1. Это было нашим самым долгим путешествием на Байкал.
1.  It was our the longest trip to Lake Baikal.
2.  It was ours the longest trip to the Lake Baikal.
3.  It was our longest trip to Lake Baikal.

2. У нашего управляющего вы можете получить дальнейшую информацию.
1.  You can get the farther information from our manager.
2.  You can get far information from our manager.
3.  You can get further information from our manager.

3. Германия более привлекательна для меня, чем Ирак.
1.  The Germany is more attractive to me than the Iraq.
2.  Germany is attractive more to me then Iraq.
3.  Germany is more attractive to me than Iraq.

4. Этот торговый центр – самый многолюдный в нашем городе.
1.  This shopping center is most crowd in our city.
2.  This shopping center the most crowdiest in our city.
3.  This shopping center is the most crowded in our city.

5. Это был самый холодный день года?
1.  Was the most coldest day of the year?
2.  Were that the most cold day of the year?
3. Was that the coldest day of the year?

6. Город такой же странныйкак и его жители.
1.  The city as strange as its citizens.
2.  The city is as strange as its citizens.
3.  The city is strange such as its citizens.

7. Чем чище бассейнтем больше пловцов любят там плавать.
1.  The more cleaner the swimming pool is the more swimmers like to swim there.
2.  The cleanest the swimming pool is the more many swimmers like to swim there.
3.  The cleaner the swimming pool is the more swimmers like to swim there.

8. Здесь воздух не такой загрязнённый, как в центре города.
1.  The air here not polluted like downtown.
2.  The air here is not as polluted as downtown.
3.  The air here are not so polluted such downtown.

9. Это самый высокий отель в городе.
1.  It is the most highest hotel in the city.
2.  It is the most high hotel in the city.
3.  That is the highest hotel in the city.

10. Это худшая песнякоторую ты когда-либо пел.
1.  This is the worst song you have ever sung.
2.  This is the baddest song you have ever sung.
3.  This is the most worse song you have ever sung.

Part B. Вставьте нужную форму

11. This alley is not … than the next one.
1.  Darker
2.  Darkest
3.  The darkest

12. Those theaters are not so … as these palaces.
1.  The newest
2.  Newer
3.  New

13. Where is … cinema in the city?
1.  The most biggest
2.  The biggest
3.  Bigger

14. Is the air here … than in the forest?
1.  More cleaner
2.  Cleaner
3.  The most cleaner

15. Is this stone as … as the city?
1.  Older
2.  Old
3.  The oldest

16. This cathedral is not as … as that temple.
1.  Older
2.  Old
3.  Elder

17. This isn’t … view of the city.
1.  Picturesque
2.  The most picturesque
18. Rains are … often here than in the South.
1.  Much
2.  More
3.  The most

19. This is … stadium he has ever seen.
1.  Big
2.  The biggest
3.  Bigger

20. This bridge is as … as that road.
1.  The most reliable
2.  Reliable
3.  More reliable

Part C. Вставьте артикль.

21. A flat is cheaper than … house.
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

22. My son was more bored during … concert than my daughter.
1.  the
2.  -
3.  a

23. Physics was … most complicated subject for me at school.
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

24. A washing machine is as useful as … dishwasher.
1.  a
2.  -
3.  the

25. A bicycle is better for me than … motorbike.
1.  the
2.  a
3.  -

26. Was that the coldest day of … year?
1.  a
2.  the
3.  -

27. This shopping center is … most crowded in our city.
1.  the
2.  a
3.  -

28. England is smaller than … Canada.
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

29. Is … arm-chair more comfortable than the sofa?
1.  a
2.  the
3.  -

30. … weather is worse today than it was yesterday.
1.  -
2.  the
3.  a

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