вівторок, 20 вересня 2022 р.

Patterns: Hotel California

    1. No sweat
    1) He says "No sweat, it was not difficult"
    2) No sweat, Boss, leave it to me 
    3) Sure, no sweat, don"t worry.
    1. Rise up through (подниматься вверх по/через)
    1) Steam from water is rising up through .the air.
    2) Water rose up through the dam and flooded the beaches.
    3) The smell of fried chicken rose up through and filled the rooms.
    1. Far away (далеко)
    1) Now we are living far away from ..the home
    2) Canada ..is .so far away from Ukraine.
    3) They went far away in...the forest and ...got lost.
    1. Gather (собираться)
    1) Every Friday we  gather ..to..play football
    2) Now we can not gather with friends like used to.
    3) The buckwheat crop are gathered in August.
    1. Grow (cтановиться)
    1) My Alex grew a very hurtful cat.
    2) Children grew older after six months ..of. staying in Belgium.
    3) You are growing more flexible when living conditions ...are always changing.
    1. Highway (шоссе/автобан)
    1) During the trip to Belgium there were a lot of  paid highways.
    2) There are multiband highways in Germany.
    3) Highways are very fast and, at the same time, very dangerous roads.

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