середа, 25 травня 2022 р.

Air Travel. Video

 - on a plane, smoking

 - Mr. Navorsky, return ticket

-  at the airport, lounge

- Home alone, miss the flight, single sits only in coach (эконом класс)

- begin boarding

- report to gate - явиться к воротам

- will be delayed

- on my way back, bathroom adjacent

- carry-ons, numerous baggage fees

- hull - корпус

- Ben Stiller - engagement ring, fit through the frame

- baggage claim - зона получения багажа, cab, single, secret option number 3- meet her at the gate

- ground transportation - наземный транспорт

- connecting flight (in Dallas), catch it, took sleeping pills, processing info

- purpose of your visit (business, pleasure...), immigration = passport control

On Board

- suck it - остой, screw up - облажаться, overhead bin, ship it

- direct or nonstop flight, itinerary - путеводитель, layovers six hours each, 12 min - sprint from one end of the airport to the other

- upgrade because I have miles, request in advance

- jet lug - десинхрония, смена часовых поясов

- bumpy flight

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