середа, 13 квітня 2022 р.

Test Some/Any/No

Похожее изображение

Вставьте some any или no
  1. I want to buy some books.
  2. Are there any books on the shelf?
  3. I have some good news for you.
  4. Do you have any  milk?
  5. I want no bread, I am on a diet.
  6. Do you have any  colored pencils?
  7. He has got some important information for us.
  8. There are no high buildings in our street, just little cottages.
  9. I would like some water.
  10. He wants to send some documents to his partners.
  11. Are there any handsome men in your office?- There is only one.
  12. Do your co-workers like your boss? – not any
  13. I’m thirsty. Can I have any water? 
  14. Remember to buy some sugar.
  15. We have no eggs, you’d better buy a dozen.
Проверь себя

  1. I want to buy some books.
  2. Are there any books on the shelf?
  3. I have some good news for you.
  4. Do you have any milk?
  5. I want no bread, I am on a diet.
  6. Do you have any colored pencils?
  7. He has got some important information for us.
  8. There are no high buildings in our street, just little cottages.
  9. I would like some water.
  10. He wants to send some documents to his partners.
  11. Are there any handsome men in your office?- There is only one.
  12. Do your co-workers like your boss? – not any
  13. I’m thirsty. Can I have some/any water?
  14. Remember to buy some sugar.
  15. We have no eggs, you’d better buy a dozen.

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