понеділок, 25 липня 2022 р.

Test "Past Simple"


Похожее изображение

Part A. Выберите правильный вариант перевода

1. Два дня назад
1.  Two days ago
2.  Two day ago
3.  Two days long

2. На прошлой неделе
1.  Last week
2.  In last week
3.  On last week

3. В прошлом году
1.  In the last year
2.  Last year
3.  In last year

4. Год назад
1.  one year ago
2.  one years ago
3.  a year ago

5. Очень давно
1.  a long time ago
2.  long ago
3.  last ago

Part B. Напишите перевод слова

6. Спасательный жилет - life vest
7. Билет «туда-обратно» - return ticket
8. Заранее-  booking in advance
9. Вылет - departure
10. Рейс - flight
11. Посадочный талон - boarding pass
12. Проход - aisle
13. Стюардесса - flight attendant
14. Салон - cabin
15. Подлокотник - arm rest

Part C. Выберите правильный перевод предложения

16. Мы готовили ужин для родственников в прошедшее воскресенье.
1.  We made dinner for our relatives last Sunday.
2.  We made a dinner on our relatives last Sunday.
3.  We maked dinner on our relatives last Sunday.
4.  We are made dinner for our relative in last Sunday.

18. Мы ездили в кино на автобусе.
1.  We goed to the cinema by bus.
2.  We wented to the cinema on the bus.
3.  We went to the cinema on the bus.
4.  We went to the cinema by bus.

19. Я не понял смысл книги.
1.  I didn’t understood the idea of the book.
2.  I not understand the idea of the book.
3.  I didn’t understanded the idea of the book.
4.  I didn’t understand the idea of the book.

20. Ты был в бассейне вчера?
1.  Were you in the swimming pool yesterday?
2.  Did you were in the swimming pool yesterday?
3.  Were you be in the swimming pool yesterday?
4.  Was you in the swimming pool yesterday?

21. Вчера ее муж встречался с друзьями и пил пиво.
1.  Her husband meeted the friends and drinked beer yesterday.
2.  Her husband met the friends and drank beer yesterday.
3.  Her husband mets the friends and dranks beer yesterday.
4.  Her husband was meet the friends and was drank beer yesterday.

Part D. Вставьте was или were.

22. Were you at the stadium last month?
23. He was at work last weekend.
24. The shoes were very expensive.
25. I was a seller five years ago.
26. My parents were at the supermarket yesterday.

Part E. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо (a/an/the/-).

27. She didn’t know about a surprise.
28. It was  the excellent vacation 
29. Who worked as an accountant in this company 2 years ago?
30. He dreamt to buy a new car.
31. Her mother was not in London  last spring.
32. Did a traffic light work?
33. I listened to the music and washed the… dishes.
34. He was a good employee and he got a good salary.
35. We opened the door and came into the  apartment.
36. My father didn’t work in an insurance company.

Part F. Напишите форму глагола в прошедшем времени

37. Keep -kept, kept
38. Close - closed
39. Change - changed
40. Put - put, put
41. Wet - wet, wet
42. Drink -  drank, drunk
43. Eat - ate, eaten
44. Love  -  loved
45. Choose - chose, chosen
46. Become - became, become
47. Sit - sat, sat
48. Drive - drove, driven
49. Send - sent, sent
50. Believe- believed
51. See - saw, seen
52. Check - checked
53. Jump - jumped
54. Write - wrote, written
55. Read - read, read
56. Hide- hided

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